TUSQ Nut and Saddle vs. Bone July 12, 2022David Schmidt The truth you never knew about bone nuts and saddles—and the science behind it.
The BEST Acoustic Guitar Strings to Use June 29, 2022David Schmidt Best acoustic guitar strings. Spoiler alert: The answer isn’t what you might think
Which body size acoustic is right for me? June 21, 2022David Schmidt Choosing the right acoustic guitar is a process involving many factors. Size, shape, woods, nut width and more.
It’s an ukulele world! May 13, 2022David Schmidt The ukulele, let’s begin with a simple bit of trivia. While most of us pronounce the word ukulele as yoo-kuh–ley-lee, the correct Hawaiian pronunciation is actually oo-koo–ley-ley. A small thing,...
How much does a good guitar cost? May 13, 2022David Schmidt The cost of a good guitar may seem subjective, but it really isn’t. Over the years we have been asked this question a thousand times. The thinking behind this, I...
Guitar tonewoods May 13, 2022David Schmidt Probably the number one question I’m asked is about the different guitar tonewoods. In discussing tonal differences of woods, I expose myself to a lot of critique and possible criticism....
What do I play? May 13, 2022David Schmidt I am often asked what kind of guitar I play personally. While I have owned many great guitars from numerous builders, three remain as the keepers. One is a Jean Larrivée...